Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Yasso 800s

Josh and I did track work tonight. We a did a variation of Yasso's 800's, 8 x 800. The theory is the average time of the intervals become your target marathon time, i.e. 3:00 minute 800s translate to a 3:00 hour marathon.  Though on the website, the number of intervals is 10.

So here's how I did:
1 2:49.0
2 2:42.2
3 2:40.6
4 2:37.0
5 2:41.3
6 2:41.0
7 2:42.2
8 2:36.6

Average: 2:41.6
Before I get too excited,
there are skeptics. Nonetheless, it was great, and grueling workout.  Yesterday I spilled over ten seconds to squeezing in a 5k in 18 minutes.  My goal for the half marathon is 90 minutes. We shall see.

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